Thursday, October 25, 2007
Not since April...
So, I haven't blogged since where do I start. Let's just pretend the summer didn't happen, that way, I don't have to try and remember everything that happened over the summer.

Well, you know that scripture, "Your sins will find you out"? Yeah, it's true. Though, in my life, it's not exactly my "sin" that found me out, but simply things that I should have dealt with a long time ago, are coming back to bite me. I am confident that this will all work itself out in time, but right now it sucks. I've got a constant knot in my stomach, my mind is racing with thoughts and feelings of inadequacy, and a deep recognition of all my failures and shortcomings. Though I know it is not healthy to stay in this place, I actually kind of appreciate it for the moment - though it sucks. Coming face to face with our "sins" (if you take sin in its broadest sense of "falling short of perfection") is a good thing, isn't it? Being reminded that we are not in control, that we really don't have our act together, that we have shortcomings and that we fail, that we fall, and sometimes we fall hard...isn't that a good thing?? Doesn't it drive us to our knees, doesn't it make us pray harder, doesn't it make us lean harder on Jesus?

So, whoever out there is reading this blog, pray for me. Pray that I don't waste this trial. Pray that I can figure out how to "count it all joy," how I can find God's wisdom in this situation. I need it...
posted by Jeff @ 11:06 AM  
  • At November 2, 2007 at 12:01 PM, Blogger Barbara D said…

    You're always in our prayers, for all kinds of reasons. If there's anything else I can do to help, or you just need someone to talk to, I'm here. Kinda like a sister that you don't have to drive 3 hours to see...

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Name: Jeff
Home: Tucson, Arizona, United States
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