Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Almost Over
The semester is almost over! I had my last Greek class on Monday, and my other class ends next Tuesday. I still have some work to complete in both classes, but I can taste the freedom. Of course, the summer presents a whole new version of busy, so we'll see how it goes. Though, it will be nice not to have to think so much...
posted by Jeff @ 10:10 AM   0 comments
Thursday, April 12, 2007
My new blog...

I haven't blogged in a few months, so I figured the best course of action would be just to start fresh with a new blog (that way it doesn't look like I've neglected it - though I have).

Lately I've been feeling like there is just too much going on in my life. But its not coming all from one source, like being busy at work, or having a lot of homework. It is a monumental amount of stuff from every angle it seems. Things at church are picking up as we draw nearer to the summer, not to mention the recently added responsibilities that I have, learning/devising a whole new administrative system for the church (which I am basically in charge of), dealing with the fallout from recent events, end-of-the-semester cram time, not to mention the fact that I have my first date in..I don't know, FOREVER coming up next week. It's weird. It's like I'm being bombarded from every angle, on the physical level (I'm just exhausted lately), the time angle (it would be nice to have some free time eventually), from the emotional angle (both good emotions and bad), mental (Seminary...need I say more), relational level (um...I'm going on a date, what's up with that?!).

There, I've complained - which is something I'm pretty sure the Bible says I'm not supposed to do. Of course I could justify it by saying that I'm "venting" not complaining, but whatever.

God help me to do all that You've called me to do joyfully. Give me "length of days" so that I can accomplish all I need to accomplish, and help me to be diligent, not wasteful of my time. And Father, draw me to Yourself so that I will walk closer to You. Rid my life of all sin - the big stuff and the small stuff. In Jesus name.

posted by Jeff @ 9:32 AM   0 comments
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Name: Jeff
Home: Tucson, Arizona, United States
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